
Monticello, Illinois Lions Club

What Lions Club Does

The Monticello Lions Club has been having fun serving the community for over 50 years. There are more Lions Clubs in more countries than any other service club. Monticello Lions meet at 6:30 p.m., the second Monday of the month, for a delicious meal and interesting program.  The club meets at the Red Wheel Restaurant, located on Illinois Highway 105 at the Interstate 72 interchange. Order your choice from the excellent menu. Additionally, there are Lions Clubs in Bement and Cerro Gordo, in Piatt County, as well as in most other communities, giving you many opportunities for involvement wherever you may be.

Our Projects

Monticello Lions conduct projects each year to raise money which is spent locally to help people. Read more about our projects.

Our Fundraising Events

Monticello Lions continually work, themselves, to raise money for these causes.

They sell Christmas candy to support their community service projects, such as the $2000 annual scholarship to a Monticello High School graduating senior, eyeglasses for those in need in the Monticello School District, and donations to Mary Bryant Home for the Blind in Springfield, IL, and Leader Dogs for the Blind in Rochester, MI.

Used eyeglasses, hearing aids, and brass keys are collected for recycling.

Join Us

If you want to meet good people, help the community, and have fun doing it, you are welcome to join the Monticello Lions Club.

The club asks that you attend meetings regularly, help work on projects, and pay your dues, which are $28 every 6 months.

Contact the Lions for more information.

Latest News

2024 Lions Scholarship Awarded to Matthew Barnick

Lion Fred Seibold presents the $2000 Lions Club Scholarship 2024 award to Mr. Matthew Barnick Mr. Matthew Barnick receives the 2024 Lions Scholarship Award ($2000) from Lion Fred Seibold, Secretary of the Monticello Lions Club. The Club awards this scholarship annually to a graduating Senior at Monticello High School. Mr. Barnick plans to study Applied Engineering Science at Parkland College.   

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